

No rusty Volvo wagon would ever be complete without a slew of car decals to let the world know what you stand for and who you are.  If you own more than one of these,'re probably a prep.



  1. The Great Gatsby.  F. Scott Fitzgerald's timeless masterpiece.  Considered by many scholars as on of America's great pieces of literature.
  2. The Catcher in the Rye.  Mandatory reading at many a preparatory and should be read by anyone except adolescent boys.
  3. Hotchkiss. How has the Hotchkiss School managed to accommodate a hundred years of unprecedented change a century during which horse-and-buggy trails have become less familiar than the fiery trails of space-bound vehicles, and Victorian propriety has yielded to unabashed self-expression? The short answer carefully; certainly not without considerable tension and the constant need to mediate between the forces of tradition and innovation. Oh yes, also by following the golden rule: do not disturb the cherished memories of alumni and, more recently, of alumnae as well.
  4. God & Man at Yale.  In 1951, a twenty-five-year old Yale graduate published his first book, which exposed the extraordinarily irresponsible educational attitude that prevailed at his alma mater. This book rocked the academic world and catapulted its young author, William F. Buckley Jr., into the public spotlight.
  5. Old Money: The Mythology of America's Upper Class.  Written by Nelson W. Aldrich, Jr.  It is an entertaining and provocative book.  Nelson explores the ultimate fulfillment of the American dream of success:  the world of that distinctive class of people who have inherited wealth and thereby enjoy the most flagrant form of unearned privilege our democratic society allows.  Excellent essays and gossip.
  6. The Paris Review. Our very own George Plimpton co-founded it and that's good enough for most preps.
  7. Nantucket: Island Living.  A lovely book, especially helpful during the long winter months.
  8. Sister Parish Designs.  A coffee table read on the designs of the eccentric designer and socialite who made "chintz" a household name.  This is a great read for those determined to redecorate in the English Country Style, and quite frankly, who isn't.
  9. The Harvard Classics.  It was originally known as Dr. Eliot's Five Foot Shelf.  It was Eliot who proclaimed that anyone who read 15 minutes a day from a collection of books that could fit on a five foot shelf, would have a proper liberal arts education.  We'll take his word for it, but still the classics are a must read...if you have the time.  
  10. The Washington Post.  This paper made the list because its one time affiliation with Executive Editor and "Old Guard" prep, Ben Bradlee.
  11. Yankee Magazine.  The true magazine for the New England prep. 
  12. Town and Country.  Aside from the great articles, one looks wealthier by simply skimming its pages.  A must read for the uber U.H.B              

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